The North Carolina Professional Appraisers Coalition
Last Updated on 10/09/2021 (at the 2021 Conference)
Previously Updated on 05/17/2014 (at the 2014 Conference)
Section 1. Name. The name of the organization is the Professional Appraisers Coalition, Inc., and is also referred to as the North Carolina Professional Appraisers Coalition ®, or as NCPAC.
The North Carolina Professional Appraisers Coalition ® shall be hereinafter referred to as “NCPAC”.
The North Carolina Appraisal Board shall be hereinafter referred to as “NCAB”.
The Appraisal Standards Board of the Appraisal Foundation shall be hereinafter referred to as “ASB”. The Appraisal Qualification Board of the Appraisal Foundation shall be hereinafter referred as “AQB”. The Appraisal Practices Board of the Appraisal Foundation shall be hereinafter referred as “APB”.
The Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice shall be hereinafter referred to as “USPAP”. The Association of Appraiser Regulatory Officials shall be hereinafter referred to as “AARO”.
Section 2. NCPAC Members shall be governed by the Bylaws of NCPAC, as from time to time amended.
ARTICLE II – Organization
The Professional Appraisers Coalition ®, Inc. (NCPAC) was incorporated in the State of North Carolina, June 2002, as a Non-profit Corporation. As evidenced by the Articles of Incorporation, the original incorporators and officers were M. Curtis West, President and Treasurer, Douglas G. Winner, Vice-President and Secretary, and Archibald H. A. Williams.
ARTICLE III – Objectives
The primary objective of NCPAC is serving and protecting the collective interest of all professional appraisers in North Carolina. Additional functions and objectives are:
Section 1. To unite those engaged in the appraisal profession for the purpose of exerting a beneficial influence upon the profession and related interests.
Section 2. To promote and maintain high standards of conduct and professional practice in the appraisal profession as expressed in the Code of Ethics of the NCPAC.
Section 3. To provide an interactive Web based forum with postings of NCAB, ASB, AQB, and APB actions, current appraisal issues, and bulletin boards for appraisers. The NCPAC website,, is a forum where the members may communicate with each other, share information, including market data, and discuss relevant issues. This Web site is to provide public access to the NCPAC directory of appraiser members and such other information deemed appropriate to promote and safeguard the interests of members of the North Carolina Professional Appraisers Coalition.
Section 4. To observe and report the actions, of the regulatory, oversight and standard setting entities such as the NCAB, ASB, AQB, and APB that may affect appraisers in North Carolina.
Section 5. To represent the NCPAC members by interacting with the regulatory and standard setting entities during their deliberations of changes that may have the potential of affecting the appraisal profession and in particular appraisers in North Carolina.
Section 6. To promote needed changes in laws, rules, regulations, policies and standards affecting appraisers in North Carolina.
Section 7. To communicate the changes in laws, regulations, rules, policies, standards, and any other matters or issues that may influence the professional appraisal practices of appraisers in North Carolina.
Section 8. To unite all those engaged in the appraisal profession in North Carolina and to collectively serve and protect the interest of professional real estate appraisers in North Carolina.
Section 9. To provide advice, guidance, and assistance to NCPAC members regarding regulatory issues, appraisal standards, techniques, procedures, and other matters to their benefit and the benefit of professional appraisal practice.
Section 10. To award a professional designation for its members that have met the requirements, established by the NCPAC Designations Committee and approved by the NCPAC Board of Directors.
ARTICLE IV – Jurisdiction
Section 1. The territorial jurisdiction of NCPAC includes all professional appraisers who are credentialed by the State of North Carolina, and are members of NCPAC. Along with any state licensed or certified appraiser who is a member of their home states professional appraisal coalition approved by the NCPAC Board of Directors and seeking the CDA designation.
Section 2. Territorial jurisdiction is defined to mean: The right and duty to perform the functions and objectives as stated in Article III - Objectives.
ARTICLE V – Membership
There shall be two classes of membership:
1) shall be referred to as “North Carolina Professional Appraisers Coalition Member” or
2) “Out of state member of The North Carolina Professional Appraisers Coalition.
Notwithstanding any other Article, Section, or provision of these bylaws, this MEMBERSHIP PROVISION of these bylaws may not be changed except by affirmative vote of not less than 66% (66 percent) of all members in good standing that choose to vote.
Section 1. Application.
An application for membership shall be made in such manner and form as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors and made available to anyone requesting it. The application form shall contain among the statements to be signed by the applicant:
(A) As a condition of membership, that applicant agrees to conduct his or her appraisal practice in accordance with the Code of Ethics of the NCPAC, the USPAP; the Bylaws, Policies, and Procedures of NCPAC; applicable state and federal law; and rules, regulations, and procedures published by the NCAB.
(B) The applicant acknowledges and accepts the membership responsibility to voluntarily contribute to the efforts of NCPAC in the pursuit of its primary objective.
(C) That the applicant understands and consents that NCPAC, through its officers or directors or otherwise, may invite and receive information and comment about applicant from any member or other person or entity, and may review published data concerning the applicant, in its consideration of
granting membership status or removing such status.
(D) That NCPAC and the applicant mutually agree that any information or comment furnished to NCPAC by any person in response to the invitation shall be conclusively deemed to be privileged and not form the basis of any action for slander, libel, or defamation of character.
Section 2. Qualifications:
(A) An applicant shall supply evidence satisfactory to the board, through the officers or directors or otherwise, that he or she is credentialed by the State of North Carolina as an appraiser or by state regulatory board with equal licensing qualifications The applicant shall also be in good standing with the regulatory board.
(B) The NCPAC board of directors may refuse to accept into membership or remove membership status from anyone found to have been officially sanctioned by an applicable regulatory, oversight, or standard setting entity, for illegal or unprofessional conduct.
Section 3. Procedure for becoming a member:
(A) Applicants for membership shall be granted membership status immediately upon submission of a completed application form and remittance of applicable NCPAC dues and any application fee. These
members shall be considered NCPAC MEMBERS and shall be subject to all of the same privileges and obligations of membership.
(B) This membership is subject to a subsequent review of the application and member’s qualifications. If the NCPAC board of directors determines that the individual does not meet the qualification requirements for membership as established in the NCPAC bylaws, and if the individual does not satisfy all of the requirements of membership within sixty (60) days from the NCPAC
receipt of their application, membership may, at the discretion of the Board of Directors, be terminated.
(C) NCPAC may, at its discretion, request that the applicant provide a criminal investigation report similar to the report required by the NCAB of appraiser applicants seeking a new appraisal credential.
Section 4. Termination of membership:
(A) Membership dues and any application fees shall be non-refundable unless the NCPAC Board of Directors terminates the individual’s membership status in accordance with Section 3, above and within the initial 60 day application review period. In such instances, dues shall be returned to the individual less a prorated amount to cover the number of days that the individual received NCPAC membership services. Any application fee paid shall be non-refundable.
(B) The Board of Directors may not terminate any membership application or membership without providing the member with advance notice, an opportunity to appear before the Board of Directors, to call witnesses on his behalf, to be represented by counsel, and to make such statements, as are appropriate to the proposed action.
(C) The Board of Directors may also call witnesses on its behalf and have counsel present. The Board of Directors shall require that written minutes be made of any hearing before it and/or may electronically or mechanically record the proceedings.
(D) If the Board of Directors determines that membership should be terminated, it shall record its reasons with the Secretary. If the Board believes that termination of membership may become the
basis of litigation, it may specify that termination shall become effective upon a declaratory judgment by a court of competent jurisdiction declaring that the termination violates no rights of the individual.
(E) If at any time after the applicant is accepted to membership and later fails to meet or maintain any of the above qualifications, he or she may be dropped from membership, at the discretion of the Board of Directors.
(F) Members will notify the NCPAC board of any change in his or her qualifications as member so that such change can be considered by the board as being sufficient for termination of membership.
(G) The Board of Directors, at its discretion, may waive any qualification, which the applicant has already fulfilled in accordance with these Bylaws.
(H) Resignations of members shall become effective when received in writing and accepted by the Board. However, if any member submitting a resignation is indebted to NCPAC for dues, fees, expenditures or other assessments the Board may condition the right of the resigning member to reapply for membership upon payment in full of all such monies owed.
(I) If a member resigns from NCPAC or otherwise causes membership to terminate with a qualification issue pending, the Board may condition the right of the resigning member to reapply for membership upon the applicant’s certification that he/she will submit to the pending qualifications proceeding and will abide by the decision of the board.
Section 5. NCPAC members:
(A) NCPAC members, in good standing, who have met all the qualifications for membership, and whose dues and any other financial obligations to NCPAC are paid in full, shall be entitled to vote and to hold elective office. Out of State Members are not eligible to hold Officer or Board of Director
positions. However, Retired Members shall be entitled to vote, but not entitled to hold office – without approval of a majority vote of NCPAC members. Members elected to office, have the primary responsibility of safeguarding and promoting professional standards, and the interests of the
membership, the NCPAC Board, and the appraisal profession.
(B) In any action taken against a member for suspension or expulsion, notice of such action shall be given only to the member having action taken against them.
(C) Before any member can run to be elected to the office President-Elect; that member must have previously served as an NCPAC Board Member or Officer.
Section 6. NCPAC Life Member:
A. The President of NCPAC, with approval by the Board of Directors, may award Life Member status to any of the original incorporators, or to any other member recognized by the President due the member's distinguished service to NCPAC, and/or the member's significant contribution toward fulfillment of the primary objective of NCPAC.
B. Only one Life Member award shall be made in any year.
C. A Life Member of NCPAC shall always be considered a member in good standing, and is not required to pay membership dues. However, if the Life Member is a Designation holder and wishes to continue have this achievement recognized they are responsible for paying the annual Designation dues along with keeping up the required CDA continuing education.
Section 6(a). Retired Members:
A. Any member of NCPAC, in good standing at the time of their retirement, that voluntarily chooses to not renew their status as a credentialed NC appraiser, but desires to continue their involvement with NCPAC; can continue their membership as a "Retired Member".
B. A Retired Member of NCPAC shall be entitled to all rights and privileges that they had before retirement, except the right to hold office beyond the end of a term in office, held by the member, which extends beyond their date of retirement.
C. A Retired Member shall pay all dues and/charges at a rate equal to one-half (½) of the rate payable before retirement including their CDA Designation dues if they choose to keep their designation active.
ARTICLE VI – Sexual Harassment
Section 1: As used in this Section, harassment means any verbal or physical conduct or threat, with the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s work performance or by creating a hostile, intimidating or offensive work environment. This includes threatening or obscene language, unwelcome sexual advances, stalking, and actions including strikes, shoves, kicks, or other similar physical contact, or threats to do the same.
Section 2: Any member of NCPAC may be reprimanded, placed on probation, suspended or become subject to termination of membership, for harassment of an NCPAC employee, Officer or Director, after a hearing in accordance with the established procedures of NCPAC.
Section 3: The decision of the appropriate disciplinary action to be taken shall be made by the investigatory team comprised of the President, and President-Elect /Vice President and one member of the Board of Directors selected by the highest ranking officer not named in the complaint, upon consultation with legal counsel for NCPAC.
Section 4: If the complaint names the President, President-Elect or Vice President, they may not participate in the proceedings and shall be replaced by the immediate Past President or, alternatively, by another member of the Board of Directors selected by the highest ranking officer not named in the complaint.
ARTICLE VII - Professional Standards and Arbitration
Section 1. The responsibility of NCPAC and its members, relating to the enforcement of professional standards, ethics, membership qualification issues, arbitration of disputes, and the organization and procedures incident thereto, shall be governed by these Bylaws as amended from time to time. However, any provision deemed inconsistent with State law shall be deleted or amended to comply with State law.
Section 2. It shall be the duty and responsibility of every member to abide by these Bylaws, the Code of Ethics of NCPAC, and the Rules and Regulations and procedures of NCPAC.
Section 3. Member agrees to arbitrate controversies arising out of their appraisal practice when such controversies are formally brought before the NCPAC board for resolution.
Section 4. NCPAC and its members recognize the evolving nature of the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice, its Rules and Statements and the interpretations and advisories by the ASB.
Section 5. NCPAC adopts the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice and agrees to require compliance by the members. Members agree to such compliance.
ARTICLE VIII - Dues and Assessments
Section 1. Application Fee:
The Board of Directors may adopt an application fee in a reasonable amount, not exceeding two times the amount of the annual dues for membership, which fee shall be required to accompany each application for membership and which shall be deposited and disbursed as necessitated by the due
diligence of the Board in the normal course of vetting the member’s application for membership. This fee is non-refundable.
Section 2. Membership Dues:
The annual membership dues shall be an amount established by the Board of Directors based upon its annual review of its budget, objectives, and projected operating expenses.
Section 3. Establishing Dues:
The budget shall be approved at a meeting of the incoming Board of Directors at their first scheduled meeting. Budget and dues structure will be presented to the membership at the regular membership meeting at the annual NCPAC Conference.
Section 4. Dues Payable.
Unless otherwise provided in these Bylaws, dues for all members shall be payable annually in advance on or before the first day of the annual NCPAC Conference. Dues shall begin on the day a new member is inducted and shall be prorated for the first year of membership.
Section 5. Non-Payment of Dues.
If entire dues are not paid and received by the first day of the annual NCPAC Conference, membership shall be subject to termination by the NCPAC Board of Directors. A former member who has had his membership terminated for non-payment of dues may apply for reinstatement by tendering a
reinstatement fee as determined by the NCPAC board, and concurrently making payment in full of all past due accounts. [The Board of Directors concurrently with their determining the annual dues for
such year shall set the reinstatement fee.]
Section 6. Deposits.
All monies received by any member on behalf of NCPAC for any purpose shall be immediately delivered to the treasurer of NCPAC who is to then deposit to the credit of the NCPAC in a financial institution or institutions selected, by resolution of the Board of Directors, within the State of North Carolina.
Section 7. Expenditures.
The Board of Directors shall administer the finances of the NCPAC but shall not incur any obligation in excess of the available cash on hand without authorization by vote of a majority of the directors at a legally constituted meeting of the NCPAC Board of Directors.
ARTICLE IX - Officers and Directors
Section 1. Officers. The elective officers of NCPAC shall be: a President, a President-Elect, a Vice President, a Secretary and a Treasurer. The offices of President, President-Elect, and Vice President shall be elected to serve for a single one-year term. The offices of Secretary and Treasurer shall be elected to serve a two (2) year term. The President shall serve for one term of one (1) year; upon the expiration of his/her term; the President-Elect shall automatically assume the office of President of NCPAC, for one term of one (1) years. If the President should be incapacitated or otherwise prevented from completing the one (1) year term, the remaining term of that office shall be filled until the next Annual Conference by the President Elect. If the President-Elect should be incapacitated or otherwise prevented from assuming the office of President, the remaining term of that office shall be filled by election by the Board of Directors. Consistent with Section 7 of this Article, no elected officer may serve more than two consecutive terms.
Section 2. Duties of Officers. The duties of the officers shall be such as their titles, by general usage, would indicate and such as may be assigned to them by the Board of Directors. It shall be the particular duty of the Secretary to maintain the records of NCPAC, to carry on all necessary correspondence and maintain the minutes of all board meetings.
Section 3. The Governing body of NCPAC shall be a Board of Directors, including not more than fifteen (15) members, consisting of: the President, the President-Elect, the Vice President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and eight (8) elected or appointed Directors, plus the immediate Past President and the former immediate Past President, who shall each serve as a Director, for the two years following his/her term in office, and will fill the one odd or even Director position that is appropriate for the year following his/her term as president. In the event that a Past President cannot complete his or her term as Director, that Director Position shall not be filled.
Section 4. Election of Officers and Directors.
(A) The Nominating Committee- consist of (5) five members representing ALL the members of the NCPAC. The committee shall be made up of members from different geographic areas of the state to allow for equal representation of the membership as a whole.
(B) Prior to the annual election, the Board of Directors will approve a nominating form that will subsequently be provided to each member of the Nominating Committee. Each member of the Committee may nominate candidates for election to the offices and positions identified on the nominating form adopted and provided by the Board of Directors. No one may be elected as an Officer or Director of NCPAC unless nominated by a member of the Committee.
(C) The President of NCPAC shall appoint an election committee consisting of not more than three members of NCPAC. The election committee shall be responsible for; receiving and reviewing nominations, preparing and providing ballots for the annual election, verifying and tabulating
election results, and for presenting election results to the incoming President at the annual NCPAC Conference. Upon receiving nominations, the election committee will verify that nominated parties are qualified members of the NCPAC and that they are willing to serve in the office or position for
which they have been nominated. Members of the election committee must keep all election results confidential until they are presented to the NCPAC President at the annual Conference.
(D) The annual election will commence at the time ballots are provided by the election committee and conclude not later than twenty-four (24) hours prior to the end of the NCPAC Annual Conference.
(E) The election results will be announced by the presiding President at the Annual Conference by recognizing those nominated candidates that have been elected to office by virtue of receiving the greatest number of votes for election to the office for which they were nominated; however the
number of votes for any or all nominated candidate(s) will not be announced, and will be kept confidential. While any individual nominated candidate for elective office may ask for and be told the number of votes that they themselves received out of the total number of votes received for
that elective office, they may not ask for or be told the number of votes received by any other nominated candidate for any elective office.
(F) The election committee will furnish a summary report of election results to the NCPAC Secretary following the conclusion of the annual Conference.
(G) In the event that all elective offices of the governing body are not filled by election at the NCPAC annual Conference, the unfilled positions may be filled sequentially by appointment by the President and Board of Directors as follows: The first and other odd numbered, unfilled position is to be filled by appointment by the President. The second and other even numbered, unfilled position is to be filled by appointment by the Board of Directors.
Section 4.1. Installation of Election of Officers and Directors.
(A) Unless otherwise provided; each newly elected Officer or Director, by virtue of receiving the greatest number of votes for election, must be present at the annual general membership meeting in order to be installed as an Officer of Director.
(B) In the event that a newly elected Officer or Director is not present at the annual general membership meeting, the candidate for elected Officer or Director that is present at the meeting that received the next greatest number of votes for election to the office for which they were nominated shall be installed.
(C) In the event of an emergency or personal hardship, the existing NCPAC Board may excuse the absence and consider that member elected – to be installed at the next Board meeting – as long as that newly elected Officer or Director agrees to fulfill the duties of the office to which they were elected.
Section 5. Vacancies. In the event that vacancies occur after the election and/or appointment process is concluded, the President shall appoint members to fill those vacancies until the next annual election.
Section 6. Removal. Removal of any Officer or Director of NCPAC from his/her position shall only be “for just cause”, and upon a vote by three-fourths, or greater, of the members of the NCPAC Board at a regular or specially-called meeting of the NCPAC Board. The vacancy created by such removal
shall be filled as provided in Section 5 hereinabove.
Section 7. Each Officer shall be elected for the term specified in Section 1 of this ARTICLE, for not more than (2) consecutive terms. After serving the second term of office, there must be a break of at least one term before an individual may be eligible to run for the same office again.
ARTICLE X – Meetings
Section 1. Annual Meeting. The annual business meeting of NCPAC shall be held during the regular membership meeting at the annual NCPAC Conference, the date, place, and hour to be designated by the Board of Directors.
Section 2. Annual Budget and Dues Presentation. The board approved budget and dues for the forthcoming biennium will be presented to the membership during the regular membership meeting at the annual NCPAC Conference each year. The intent is that the membership will confirm or approve
modification of the budget and dues of the approaching calendar year and the new budget and dues for the following year (refer to Article VIII).
Section 3. Installation of Officers and Directors. The installation of officers and directors to serve NCPAC in the forthcoming calendar year shall take place at the membership meeting at the annual NCPAC Conference each year.
Section 4. Meetings of Directors. The President and/or the Board of Directors may call a special Board of Directors meeting at such times as is necessary to conduct the business of NCPAC.
(A) There shall be a regularly scheduled Board of Directors meeting at a time and place of the President’s choosing.
(B) Notice of special meetings of the NCPAC Board of Directors shall be given by e-mail, by phone, or by other reasonably available means, to the contact information provided to NCPAC, with as much advance notice as is practicable.
(C) The schedule for the regularly scheduled Board Meetings shall be planned and announced at a Board of Directors meeting prior to the subsequently scheduled board meeting. The schedule shall be posted on the NCPAC website, e-mailed to the Board Members, and a telephone reminder attempted whenever reasonably possible to the extent necessary to reasonably assure that each board member is apprised of the meeting.
(D) Absence from three consecutive regular meetings without an excuse, deemed valid by the Board of Directors, shall be construed as resignation there from.
(E) A Quorum of the board consists of a majority of the NCPAC Board.
Section 6. Other Meetings. Meetings of the members may be held at such other times as the President or the Board of Directors may determine, or upon the written request of at least ten percent of the Members eligible to vote.
Section 7. Notice of Meetings. Notice shall be given to every member entitled to participate in the meeting at least five days preceding all meetings. If a special meeting is called, a statement of the purpose of the meeting shall accompany the notice. [The ‘notice’ as contemplated by this Section is to
be given to members by e-mailing the information to the most current e-mail address provided by the member to NCPAC and posting the information on the NCPAC website.].
Section 8. Quorum. A quorum of the membership for the transaction of business shall consist of the members in good standing and present at such meetings, with a simple majority vote being necessary to determine all issues other than changes in the NCPAC Bylaws. A change in the NCPAC Bylaws
requires a two-thirds majority. Consistent with the foregoing, and if previously authorized by the Board of Directors and included as part of the meeting’s notice respecting the issue(s) in question, the voting process as to such issue(s) may be conducted for the remainder of that day, or for such remaining portion of the day as designated by the Board of Directors, at the place(s) designated for same.
Section 9. Absentee, Remote, and Proxy Voting. It is a fundamental principle of parliamentary procedure that the right to vote is limited by the members who are present at the time the vote is taken in a legal meeting, as votes of those present could be affected by debate, information or other persuasive issues. Issues that relate to policy changes, bylaw changes, and other issues that affect the integrity of the organization may not be decided by absentee vote. Votes cast at live Internet or conference call meetings are not deemed absentee. Proxy voting on Issues related to goals, programs, and other non-policy issues may be allowed at the discretion of the President. Remote voting can be by telephone [if audibly witnessed by other board members present], mail, e-mail, fax, or other written or other verifiable forms of communication, so long as the vote does not create ambiguity and avoids unfairness in the voting process. The President will resolve ambiguities that may arise and may restrict remote voting at his or her discretion, and on a case-by-case basis.
ARTICLE XI - Committees
Section 1. Standing Committees. The incoming President shall seek volunteers and, as necessary, subject to confirmation by the Board of Directors, may appoint the chair and members of the following standing committees; excluding the Committee of 100, which is unequivocally intended to have no chair. Any person appointed as Chair of a Standing Committee must have served on that Committee for at least one year.
List of Standing Committees: Executive Committee, State Relations/Advisory Committee, Nominations Committee, Peer Assistance and Review Committee, Public Relations Committee, Appraisal Standards and Practices Committee, Appraisal Ethics Committee, Website Committee, Conference Committee, Budget and Finance Committee, Bylaws Committee, and Designations Committee.
Section 2. Special Committees. The President shall appoint, subject to confirmation by the Board of Directors, special committees as deemed necessary.
Section 3. Organization. All committees shall be of such size and shall have such duties, functions and powers as assigned to them by the President or the Board of Directors, except as otherwise
provided in these Bylaws.
Section 4. President. The President shall be an ex-officio member of all standing committees and shall be notified of their meetings and kept informed of their efforts and progress.
Section 5. Duties. In addition to duties, functions and powers as may be assigned by the President and/or the Board of Directors, the following standing committees shall be composed, function, and
have duties as set forth hereinafter:
Executive Committee. Comprised of the President, President-Elect, Vice-President, Secretary and
Treasurer (with the immediate Past President serving in an ex-officio, non-voting capacity). The Executive Committee meets monthly, reviews the agenda for that month’s Board of Directors meeting, and makes recommendations to the Board of Directors. It exercises powers, including the expenditure of monies, only as (and to the extent) authorized by the Board of Directors. Authorizations must be renewed after each new election.
State Relations and Advisory Committee. This committee shall work as the connection between the NCPAC Board of Directors and Officers to the affiliated State coalitions. Each affiliated state shall have one dedicated position on this committee. The committee will serve to review and propose actions to the board. This will allow for effective communication between the State Coalition Boards and NCPAC to allow for NCPAC to support the needs of each state organization. Also, this could allow for communication allowing for pooling of recourses to address action items that impact all organizations/Coalitions and appraisers on a national or regional level.
Nominations Committee. The primary function of this committee is to nominate members to fill the open positions on the NCPAC Executive Committee and Board of Directors. The committee shall be made
up of (5) Members of NCPAC with one member being designated Chairperson by the NCPAC president. The committee members will find and qualify the potential directors or officers of NCPAC. Their report shall be presented to the Elections Committee prior to the deadline for the annual elections.
Peer Assistance and Review Committee. The primary function of this committee is to confidentially assist NCPAC members when they are need of peer assistance or review. This is a service to members who may need help during an assignment or when they have received a complaint from a Client or the NCAB. The committee shall be made up of (5) Members of NCPAC with one member being designated Chairperson by the NCPAC president. The work performed by this committee is confidential, in that, only this committee's members are able to speak about any particular NCPAC member's case under assistance or review.
Public Relations Committee. This committee will promote professional appraisal practice through public service announcements, and all other appropriate and reasonably available means.
Appraisal Standards and Practices Committee. This Committee will monitor and review changes (and
proposed changes) in the USPAP and the development (or proposed development) of other standards that pertain to professional appraisal practices. This committee may also study other standards, such as the “International Valuation Standards”, and share the results of their work.
Appraisal Ethics Committee. This committee will be concerned with studying and promoting ethical appraisal practices in North Carolina, and will have responsibility for developing and presenting a Code of Ethics for consideration and adoption by the NCPAC.
Website Committee. This committee will be responsible for all aspects of the NCPAC Website(s). It will work closely with the officers, directors, and other members in order to maintain an up to date Website with timely notices and services.
Conference Committee. The Conference Committee Chairman shall be appointed by the President and will be responsible for overseeing all the arrangements for the Annual NCPAC Conference and Membership Meeting. The Chairman will then select members to serve on the committee. The Chairman will submit to the president and board, recommendations for location of the conference, schedule of activities, vendor participation, if any, and promotion of the event. Some functions concerning the planning of the conference may be contracted and/or delegated as the need or expertise arises. However, the Conference Committee Chair has the ultimate responsibility for planning the conference.
Budget and Finance Committee. This committee is authorized to develop a bi-annual operating budget to be presented to the Board of Directors at its regularly scheduled Board Meeting, prior to the annual meeting of the membership at the NCPAC Conference, for its approval. The NCPAC Board of
Directors must present the board-approved budget to the membership at the annual conference. The Board of Directors may from time to time review and modify the budget based on the legitimate needs and expenses as well as income of NCPAC.
Bylaws Committee. This committee is authorized to develop proposed changes to the Bylaws, on as needed basis to be presented to the Board of Directors at a scheduled Board Meeting, at least ninety
(90) days prior to the annual meeting of the membership at the NCPAC Conference, for its recommended action (i.e. approval, disapproval, or modification). The NCPAC Board of Directors must present the board-recommended bylaws changes to the membership at least sixty (60) days prior to the annual meeting to be voted on by the membership at the annual conference.
Designations Committee. This five member committee is authorized to develop all requirements, subject to approval by the NCPAC Board of Directors, for awarding the NCPAC "CDA" Professional Appraiser Designation. This committee is also authorized to; receive or oversee the receiving of applications for the CDA Designation, develop or oversee development of qualifying educational courses and examinations for the CDA Designation, and to present or oversee the presentation of such educational courses and administer or oversee the administration of such examinations. Additionally, this committee is authorized to make recommendations to the NCPAC Board of Directors relating to the awarding of the CDA Designations.
ARTICLE XI.1. – Past President's Council
A. There is hereby established a "NCPAC Past President's Council" (hereinafter referred to as the Past President's Council). The purpose of this "Past President's Council" is to provide experience based advice to those members of NCPAC which have been elected, installed, or holding an elected
position as a member of the governing body of NCPAC (including, but not limited to, president, and president elect).
B. Each Past President of NCPAC, who is a current member of NCPAC, can choose, but shall not be required to be a member of the Past President's Council.
C. Any/All Member(s) of the Past President's Council shall be entitled to participate in, speak and be heard, at any/all meeting(s) of the NCPAC governing body, but unless otherwise entitled to vote, shall not be entitled to vote on motions that are subject action by the NCPAC governing body at the
time of such meeting.
ARTICLE XII – Chapters
Section 1. Upon application and approval by the NCPAC board of directors, an Area Chapter may be formed within NCPAC. Such chapters will consist of at least 7(seven) NCPAC members in good standing, have as a minimum a President, Vice President, Treasure, and Secretary, have a unique name that includes … of NCPAC, and have a set of bylaws and a mission not inconsistent with that of NCPAC. A representative of said chapter will be a delegate to the NCPAC Board with the responsibility to attend NCPAC board meetings and to liaise between the NCPAC board and the NCPAC Chapter administration.
ARTICLE XIII - Fiscal and Elective Year
The fiscal year of the Coalition shall be the calendar year. The elective year of the Coalition shall be the one-year period between the dates of the annual Conference.
ARTICLE XIV - Rules of Order
Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, latest edition, shall be recognized as the authority governing the meetings of the NCPAC, its Board of Directors, and Committees, in all instances wherein its provisions do not conflict with these Bylaws.
ARTICLE XV – Amendments
Section 1. Unless otherwise provided herein, these Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Members present and qualified to vote at any meeting at which a quorum is present, provided that the substance of such proposed amendment or amendments shall be plainly stated and provided to
the membership with sufficient time for review.
Section 2. Notice of all meetings at which such amendments may be considered shall be provided to every member at least five days prior to the date of the meeting. [The ‘notice’ required by this Section is to be given to members by e-mailing the information to the most current e-mail address provided by the member to NCPAC and posting the information on the NCPAC website.
ARTICLE XVI - Dissolution
Upon the dissolution or winding up of the affairs of NCPAC, the Board of Directors, after providing for the payment of all obligations, shall distribute any remaining assets to the current membership on a prorated basis, or, within its discretion, to any other non-profit tax exempt organization.
ARTICLE XVII - Effective Date of Bylaws
These Bylaws shall become effective, and repeal and supersede all other NCPAC Bylaws, which are to the contrary, immediately upon their adoption by the NCPAC members, who are qualified to vote. This, however, shall not invalidate any action taken under previous rules prior to this adoption at the
next scheduled membership meeting.
These NCPAC Bylaws were approved by the membership attending the 2021 NCPAC Annual Conference
on 10/09/2021.